
Acquired taste

I'm spending my Sunday night watching one of my favourite TV shows: Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip.

I love this show. I love the voyeuristic feel... exposing the guts of how a live network TV show "really works." Maybe its because while it's similar to my profession but still not so familiar that it's dull or that I start projecting myself into the show, and start thinking about work.

Anyways. I could watch this show for hours. There is only one season. And I own it. The first time I watched the series I savoured it. I didn't blow through the episodes in one week (like I've been known to do *ahem, Prison Break, Scrubs, Heroes*). I'm on my second lap now, and I keep being struck by how UNFAIR it is that it didn't get renewed.

All the shows I love get cancelled* way before their time. They are quality shows that get rave reviews....but networks make crappy decisions, bumping them from timeslot to timeslot in favour of Big Brother, season 213. It just drives me crazy.

Arrested Development. Studio 60. Carnivale. Dead Like Me. Wonderfalls.

It just seems so unfair, that American Idol can go 67 rounds, but decent shows with real fans get cancelled because try as they might, they can't figure out where their show's been bounced this week.

I don't know. Maybe I just have strange taste in TV shows. Maybe my obscure sense of humour just doesn't fly with "mainstream tv."

Oh well. Thank god for TV seasons on DVD.


*obviously, this is an exaggeration. I like Lost, Prison Break, The Office etc. all of which are still going strong.


Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan July 28, 2008 at 1:06 AM  

I am a lost-a-holic!!! We don't have satellite though, so I was so happy when ctv started streaming it online. But I missed the last episode and it is no longer on ctv!! Argggggg!

Megan July 28, 2008 at 8:37 AM  

American Idol is so cheap and so profitable, it is going to be around for a while. Sorry.

Lost is my favourite show that hasn't been canceled yet.

Jackie S. Quire July 28, 2008 at 10:23 AM  

Kara: Can we discuss the fact that you can actually watch an episode online? I can't even stream youtube videos.

Grrr you Western Arctic dwellers!

Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan July 28, 2008 at 11:54 AM  

ahahaha hurray for the Yukon!!! If I use the internet during the day I can watch Lost with no interruptions!! At night though I have to walk away and let it come in and then play it.