
From the Nunatsiaq News

An honest letter to the editor... of course "name withheld"...

But all the same, a rare look into what funding provides for some.


September 5, 2008

Free money doesn’t build better society

This letter is in response to the article "Mining windfall sparks spending spree in two Nunavik towns." As a resident of Kangiqsujuaq, I want to take this opportunity to thank our leaders in Nunavik with some of my suggestions.

I am 20-something years old, an unemployed father of two who keeps getting paid for being a beneficiary, keeps going to a free school, and receives free health care, free food coupons, and who keeps receiving free money from the mine. You all work for me. Thank you.

And every time I look for a job, I can find one very easily because of the fact that a high school diploma is not required.

We are a very lazy people sometimes, because we don't even finish high school. We don't even "need." We are rich, but poorly educated. Thank you.

I feel bad for the people who have to work hard to make a living. Every time I look out the window, I feel that something is not right.

Too much funding may be the reason why. Every time I see uneducated Inuit, who's to blame? Should I tell them myself that education will bring them somewhere? Should I be the one to discuss the problems that money brings?

Otherwise, I got a brand new flat-screen TV. Thank you.

Wake up leaders. It is your responsibility to teach us about our economy, with education being the main idea. Sure, the economy looks good here. Our standard of living has skyrocketed.

All the advantages are to be appreciated. But what about the disadvantages? What can we do to gain more knowledge of this world?

If I had a choice, I would not give away too much money. I would instead use it towards creating a better society - with better education.

Please don't show my name. Thank you.

(Name withheld by request)


Megan September 18, 2008 at 7:25 PM  

When I lived in Inuvik, one of my best friends worked in economic development. She added up all of the hand-outs that were available and found that unless you were earning at least $60,000 a year, there was no incentive to work: you could be equally well-off without working. In her calculation, she included things like free housing, food discounts and daycare subsidies.

This stuck with me, because I moved to Inuvik to make a total of $55,000 a year for the CBC, and I thought I was rich.

This was years ago. I wonder what the amounts are in today's dollars.

Meandering Michael September 18, 2008 at 10:14 PM  

I've seen the results of payments from hereditary development corporations. While some of the dividends are paid to people who can, no doubt, use the money and use the money well, I've also seen the explosion of social problems that can arise from those who don't.

I'm impressed with the letter writer for having the vision to invest that money back into the community for the longer term.