
Something I am currently glad for...

Corporate By-Law No. 14(3)33

(3)(a) No employee who is employed by the Corporation on a full-time basis as a producer, a supervisor of news or information programming, an editor, a journalist, a reporter, an on-air personality, or who is a designated management employee or primarily responsible to represent the Corporation in its contact with the public, may, subject to subparagraph 14(3)(b) or (c), take a position publicly in a referendum or plebiscite, actively support a political party or candidate, stand for nomination as a candidate and/or be a candidate for election to the House of Commons, a provincial legislature, the Yukon legislative assembly, the legislative assembly of the Northwest Territories, or a municipal or civic office. For the purposes of this paragraph "designated management employee" means any employee who is a member of the Executive Group (persons paid on the Executive payroll) and any management employee who reports directly to a member of the Executive Group.

....and apparently this extends to all online activity, including blogs, Facebook or other networking sites.

That means if I had decided (which I didn't) to join one of Facebook's "fan of X" (X being a political party or candidate) applications, I could be in trouble. According to some, posting on a political web page is the same thing as wearing a campaign button, or posting a sign outside my house. And none of those acts of "support" are kosher.

And unless I'm wrong, that bit about "take a position publicly in a referendum or plebiscite" means I am not allowed to sign petitions either.

Somehow I am not sure if the Corp is allowed to do this. I'm not crazy-outraged because I'm not really a fiercely political person.

But my little green Martin's Criminal Code 2004 says that according to section 2b of the Charter....

..protects all forms of expression, whether oral, written, pictorial, sculpture, music, dance or film...[and] extends to those engaged in expression for profit and those who wish to express the ideas of others, and to the recipients as well as to the originators of communication....

I'm just putting this out there. If I cared enough about one political party or another, I'd probably be annoyed at this. But I don't, so I'm instead just going to project the kind of ambivalence the Corp is prescribing in the above paragraph.

All hail the Corp. 


Megan September 25, 2008 at 10:59 AM  

Well, your employer is allowed to do things the government isn't.

To extend the example, they can require that you sit in a room the size of a jail cell between certain hours of the day while you host a radio show. Or they can insist that you read a script with information you personally disagree with. Or they can make you attend community events.

I know it sucks. When I worked for CBC North, Rick Mercer started a petition to get Stockwell Day to change his name to Doris. It was clearly a joke, but we all got an e-mail about it after some employees signed their names. No joke petitions, either, even when they come from someone on the CBC's payroll.