
Bright and early...

Well things have really moved forward (officially anyhow...) in the past couple of days.

I finalized my contract, negotiated the move... and tomorrow morning at 8am I am playing hostess to the corporate moving company ... that's when they show up to evaluate/estimate my stuff.
I've not decided 100% yet, but I am pretty attached to my desk so I think I want to take that, and I've been talking with someone who moved up to Rankin around this time last year, in a similar situation... and she suggested that I bring lamps/storage... but that still leaves me at a loss of what to do with my bed and my couch... and my kitchen table/chairs.

My dream boots are a no-go... which is sad, because I don't think I'm going to bother chancing another shipment before I move... so I'll either have to buy them at full price here in Quebec, or full price PLUS in Iqualuit (man I have to learn how to spell that word...) when I'm up.

I'm not sure if I mentioned that. I'm doing like 3 mini-moves... I leave Quebec City next weekend (the 15th or so) for PEI, where I'll stay for a week and a bit, then I fly from PEI to Iqualuit, where I'll stay for three weeks or a month... and THEN I move (finally) to Rankin around mid-October I guess.

That seems REALLY far off, so it's hard to take it all seriously... but I really have to start sorting/doing laundry... because the first leg of moving, really isn't that far off. I'm glad I don't have to pack though... horray for corporate movers!!!


Matt, Kara, Hunter and Cavan September 11, 2007 at 12:37 PM  

lol Iqaluit!

Hope your move goes well!

Jackie S. Quire September 11, 2007 at 12:50 PM  

Yep, on my list of things TO DO is learn how to spell.

I'm miserable at it, which is terrbile seeing as I am supposed to be a journalist.

Thank god for spell check... AND not working in print hahaha!