
Snazzy new blog!

Woot! Check it out! How do you like my snazzy new blog header? How more "jackie" can you get than a ladybug header?

Major kudos to Jen for her photoshop wizardry and stellar instructions for hooking me up. Now of COURSE I will be changing the background colour for weeks to come... it's like my constant room-rearranging when I was a kid. Never really got the Feng Shui down....

T-minus 6 days!


Rob, Tina and the boys September 20, 2007 at 3:31 PM  

Hea there. Just started reading the blog. I liked off Jen's blog. Love to see East Coaster's coming up this way! Love the jacket. We just got one for my hubby from Selections through the Northern Store. The Northern tends to be a bit pricey in the store but Selections really isn't all that bad. It's like Sears catalogue through the Northern. Check out the North West Company website and click on Selections and you'll see what I mean. And yes, we both work there. :)