Midnight sun, mid-day moon
So it's 7:52 and it's dark in Quebec City.
I am looking out my 4th-floor apartment window, with its classic view of the Price building and Chateau Frontenac... and I was thinking to myself how early it gets dark here, and then it hit me.
I can't imagine living in a place where darkness reins.
I've always, literally always, been a major sun-worshiper (without the cult-like status). I mean, let's be honest. I grew up on PEI, had unlimited access to beaches for four summers... was the most tan person I know.
How will I survive without the sun?
What a stupid little detail, but one I'm hung up on nonetheless. It's not as though I'm thinking Rankin Inlet would be the optimum place to get a tan, but... it'll just be strange I guess.
I hope its not as bad as I think. Photo: winter daytime in Nunavut. Courtesy of
Jen's photobucket from
You may not have all the sun you want but the Aurora Borealis is awesome and well worth th elack of sun...when I first saw them, I thought the world was coming to an end as I had never seen anythng like them...they dance before your eyes..
Actually, Percy....
I honestly think I will be able to die happy once I see them.
It is probably the thing I want to see most right now.
I saw a picture on another girl's blog (she lives on Baffin Island though, so further up...) of this beautiful luminous green streak dancing across the sky.
I can't wait.
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