
Sticky little papers

I spent the morning organizing my desk. Again.

I tend to do this every couple weeks... eventually it gets to the point where I have exhausted all of my current story ideas...

And I go looking for that folder/clipboard with "possible follow-up/quirky stories" written up...

And in the process find hoards of unopened envelopes... press releases... and unread magazines.

I'm such a hypocrite. I would rather just check my banking information online, and I find it annoying that I have all these stupid bills on my desk...

But at the same time, I prefer to have a "hard copy" of such things (god forbid the internet eventually running out of "space" haha) and constantly print out Stats Canada reports because I like to have it in my meaty little paws to scribble on at will.

I think I'm just stuck in a strange generational paradox, where I grew up on paper, but like the ease and instant access of the age of electronic. I constantly write myself little reminders in gmail... and love that I can just "search" within.

My parents... are paper-savvy, and my kids will be all-digital. And here I am, stuck in the middle with you.


Anonymous January 29, 2008 at 5:10 PM  

In the last couple of years, due to the shear volume of email I get at work, I've become capable of reading documents online, something I never could do before. I'm now a mad electronic filing monster, who never files paper anything, beyond my collection of white file folders with "To be Filed" scrawled on the side of them. I guess I'm waiting for an administrative assistant to show up...

Shelagh January 30, 2008 at 7:45 AM  

Just wait til you get to the point I seem to be at...

All those things I've printed off, insisted be on paper and many other ways to achieve the mountain of paper I proudly horded for years are now being scanned back into the computer.